Thursday, November 23, 2006

I really need to get over this

I have issues about being pregnant while at work.

Weird statement? I think so. Let me try to explain. I am so very pleased to be pregnant. I am getting really excited about having another little one to love, nurture, etc. But at work, I am a professional - an engineer, a project manager, a leader. It feels strange to even acknowledge out loud that I am clearly pregnant. I don't know if my discomfort stems from the fact that being pregnant = having sex and that embarrasses me. I think it has more to do with the fact that being pregnant is such a very personal, intimate thing - I have this life growing inside me! - and yet at the same time, at 5.5 months along, it is also a very public thing.

I don't want to start conversations with, "Hey, I felt the baby kick just now." I don't want to talk about my personal life, much, with most people at work. I want to be a professional and taken seriously as such. If someone brings it up, like "Oh when are you due?" I'm happy to have a brief conversation and then move onto the real topic.

I feel really uncomfortable with the open stares at my belly. Why? I do the same to other pregnant women. Why am I so uncomfortable? Why am I such a hypocrite? I am not the first woman in my office to get pregnant. For pete's sake, this is the second time I've been pregnant at this job.

*sigh* I just wish I could be more comfortable and expressive about how joyous this pregnancy is. But it's like I have a mask on. A mask that I don't know how to take off.

Maybe it's because I had to hide my pregnancy for the first four plus months. I had applied for an internal transfer (obviously preferred to being laid off), and did not want the pregnancy to hurt my chances. Because even though the law says I can't be discriminated against, let's get real, shall we? Any employer looks at me, sees my belly, immediately says, "Ugh, she'll be off for a year, and then she'll be off all the time when the kid is sick. Let's hire that other guy instead"* & ** So maybe I'm just not comfortable being out of the pregnancy closet.

Anyhow, I'm tired of feeling all awkward and embarrassed about being pregnant while at work. I need to get over it already.

* Because we all know that the perception is that the woman does all the child-rearing and child-care duties, especially when kids are sick. Not. Well, at least not in my household. We swap depending on who has the more important stuff going on at work. Luckily too, LC is pretty healthy (aside from the wonky kidney and VUR stuff), and is rarely sick.

** To continue my rant, my perception is that when an employer sees a woman and knows (somehow although it shouldn't come up or matter) that she has kids, there's this instinctive bias against her, "Gosh, I wonder why she doesn't stay home with her kids." Or, "How much time off will she need to look after her kids." Whereas that same employer sees a man and knows he has kids, and thinks, "Wow. That guy has a family to provide for. What a great guy. We should pay him more."
Yeah, maybe not everyone thinks like that. But an awful lot of people do.

Things that make me laugh, pt 4

Seen in a meeting invitation:

"Meeting agenda will be updated weakly. "

I work in a place where for the majority, English is a second language. I really respect how hard it is to learn a second language, especially as an adult, especially English. Having said that, there are things that I read that just make me giggle. It's either that or get annoyed.
I am a picky about using proper spelling and grammar. I definitely have editorial instincts. (Although perhaps not with my own stuff.) I get frustrated by what people who are too lazy to run spell check - come on now, it's not that hard. No, it won't catch everything* but it will catch most typos. I don't find the grammar checking tools very useful, but I will run them when I'm sending out a major document for review. I get really annoyed when I can't understand what the person is trying to say, usually about a very technical issue, because the sentence is structured so poorly. Aaaaarrrrrggghh! I want to spend my time reviewing your document's content, not your form.
*Does anyone else find it funny that Blogger's spell check doesn't know the word "blog"?
P.S. I'm wondering how many errors there are in this post. I'm all self-conscious now.
P.P. S. And what the hell am I doing up at this hour? Again! I'm so self-destructive sometime. I was working before. Now it's 0230 EST. I'm going to be exhausted tomorrow. More exhausted than I already am. For goodness sakes - why am I working overtime for a company that doesn't even want me?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Memories: Good night, sweetheart

While standing in Starbucks, I heard a version of "Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight".

(Picture credit)

I had to stop and listen. I smiled wistfully as I remembered my grandmother singing the song softly at bedtime, while rubbing my back. Way back when at my grandparent's house in Parsippany, NJ. I don't think she ever sang in public, but when it was just the two of us, she would sing to me and rub my back. Even when I was too old for it, if I asked nicely, she would still do it. Such sweet memories.

That song and whenever I am making one of my grandmother's recipes make me feel like her spirit is with me. It makes me feel connected to her.

I lived with my grandparents every summer from when I was six to twelve years old. I learned so much from both of them. How to make a fruit pie, how to shell peas, how to use a jigsaw, a lathe, how to make a plan and build something, how to many things.

My grandmother died in 1999 after a long illness. I still miss her. At her funeral, I performed my most difficult solo (on the french horn) - I played "Amazing Grace" for her. So, so hard to play when you're crying.

Apparently the song is called, "Goodnight Sweetheart Goodnight". According to this source, "Originally performed by the 5 piece doo-wop group The Spaniels. Written in 1954, it was a #5 R&B hit Written by Calvin Carter and James (Pookie) Hudson (lead singer for The Spaniels). Re-released by The McGuire Sisters. Popularized in the 1970s by the group Sha Na Na, who used it to close their TV show each week." I'm sure the version my grandmother knew was the 1950's version by the McGuire Sisters.

It looks like she mostly sang the chorus to me, or at least that's what I remember. Here are the lyrics (from same source cited above):

Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go,
Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go,
I hate to leave you but I really must say,
Goodnight sweetheart, goodnight.
Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go,
Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go,
I hate to leave you but I really must say,
Goodnight sweetheart, goodnight.

Well it's three o'clock in the morning
Baby I just can't git right??
Well I hate to leave you baby,
Don't mean maybe,
Because I love you so.

Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go,
Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go,
I hate to leave you but I really must say,
Oh goodnight sweetheart, goodnight.

Mother, and your father
Don't like it if I stay here too long
One kiss in the dark,
And I'll be going,
You know I hate to go.

Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go,
Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go,
I hate to leave you but I really must say,
Oh goodnight sweetheart, goodnight.

Monday, November 13, 2006

PMP 2006 update

Doesn't the subject make it sound exciting? Yeah, I know.

I'm actually embarrassed to admit that the PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), all 300 pages of it, is pretty interesting stuff. Yes, I am a geek.

I'm taking a prep course this week to help me prepare to write the exam. In preparation for the prep course (irony, yes?), I had to read the PMBoK. It's dry & dense. And of course, with Mr. Chili being out of town last week, me being sick and just general procrastination, I left it til the last minute. But I'm happy to report that I just finished reviewing the sucker. Yee haw.

Now I have to go to bed because I have to be up v. early tomorrow so that I can sit in traffic to get to this course. But it will all be worth it when I pass the exam in a few weeks. Right?

Oh please, please, please let me pass the exam.

Weekend update.
Mr. Chili made it home Friday night, after LC's bedtime. Fri night w/LC and mommy was miserable. He was missing daddy, I was very, very tired. And LC backslid so far on potty training I just didn't know what to make of it. Mon-Wed: 1 accident/day. Thu: 4 accidents, including a poop accident. Fri: lost count - 5 accidents. Unheard of. If it was indeed due to missing Mr. Chili, then I am very, very scared about how LC will respond to PB's birth.

Saturday I went to my prenatal yoga class. Bliss. LC and Mr. Chili ran errands (including groceries) and kept out of my hair so I could study. We had take-out sushi for dinner. Yum.

Sunday was more errands for LC and Mr. Chili so I could continue studying. Have I mentioned how awesome Mr. Chili is? Yep, he is.

Okay, really have to hit the hay. 'Night internets.

Friday, November 10, 2006

My rings don't fit - wah!

A minor whine, definitely not worthy of Phantom's weekly whine-fest.

I have now gained enough weight that my rings are getting tight. I like my rings a little loose and have an irrational fear that they will get stuck on my fingers and I will have to have them cut off. Like I said, irrational.

In my pg with LC, I was pg through the summer and my fingers always swell in the summer, so between the swelling and excessive weight gain, I stopped wearing my rings around 5 months of pg.

Guess what? I am 5 months pg. I have not gained as much weight this time (only 10 pounds to date), but I started this pg 10 pounds heavier. So really, I've gained 20 pounds from pre-pg weight. And I was 10 pounds less than that when I got married. So my rings fit if I'm within 30 pounds of my wedding day, but not more. Reasonable, yes. But I am sad nonetheless that I won't be able to wear my wedding band, engagement ring and engineering ring for the next year or so.

Why a year? I have four months of pg left - and other than this whine - plan on thoroughly enjoying it. Based on my first pg, it will take me a while to start losing weight. And I lost very slowly, despite exclusively breastfeeding.

P.S. I wonder if there is a correlation between my (relatively) excessive posting of late and Mr. Chili's absence? Stay tuned next week when he's home. And I'm in training all week with a long commute each day. I think I know what's next.

P.P.S. What the hell am I doing up at this hour???? Oh yeah, I fell asleep with LC at 2100. Then I woke up to pee at 0045 and realized I had to do his laundry. Why? Four accidents today, that's why. An unheard of number for LC. I'm pretty sure he was due for a BM but didn't want to do it school, that's why the three pee accidents. And the fourth was because I couldn't get the f'in potty seat installed quickly enough for someone doing the BM dance. Oh that mess was fun. And at a good friend's house. Fortunately she has kids and understands.

P.P.P.S. I like using the twenty-four hour style of time. It is consistent and unambiguous. Being the anal sort, this matters to me. I also like using a date format of dd-mmm-yy. I hate the U.S. convention of mm/dd/yy. Why the heck does the month go in front? How am I supposed to know if it's really mm/dd/yy or maybe dd/mm/yy (which is the Canadian/metric version).

Who knew so many things bother me at 0228? And on that note, I'm off to bed.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

My 100 things

  1. I am so late to this game.
  2. Often I can't believe that this is my (great) life.
  3. I am so many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, an engineer, a....
  4. I feel that becoming a mother has forced me to become a better person.
  5. Not that I'm a great person now.
  6. I was depressed through my first pregnancy but didn't realize it.
  7. I was really depressed after my son was born. But I didn't realize how bad it was until 10 months later.
  8. I worry that I will get post-partum depression again.
  9. Watching my son sleep makes me so happy I almost cry.
  10. It also helps me not want to strangle him after all the frustrating moments.
  11. I work full-time outside the home.
  12. I was happiest with my work-life balance when I was working part-time. That lasted 16 months. Then I was forced back to full-time hours.
  13. Now they're laying me off.
  14. It sucks.
  15. But I'm so grateful to be pregnant again.
  16. And scared.
  17. Even if no one will hire me because I am pregnant.
  18. I could stay home with my son & baby-to-be. If I wanted to badly enough to make the sacrifice. But I don't want to. I want to work part-time and be a mom full-time.
  19. I think that makes me pretty selfish.
  20. But I think realizing it makes me a happier and better mother.
  21. I will stay home for the first year of PB's life.
  22. We are damned lucky in Canada to get one year of maternal/parental leave.
  23. My husband is an amazing man.
  24. I try to tell him that every day.
  25. Our son looks so much like him.
  26. I wonder who this baby will look more like.
  27. Everyone keeps asking me if we know "what we're having". A baby, duh!
  28. Seriously, we don't want to know the gender.
  29. My husband and I discovering together that we had a son was the second most amazing moment of my life.
  30. The most amazing moment was when the midwife placed our son on my stomach and we watched this tiny, purplish thing take it's first breath.
  31. I'm getting all teary writing this. Damn hormones.
  32. My son was an unplanned homebirth.
  33. It was *ahem* rather exciting.
  34. The midwives arrived about 20 minutes before my son did.
  35. I was holding off pushing.
  36. He could have been born without the midwives at all.
  37. My labour was officially termed precipitous.
  38. From water breaking to birth was 4 hours.
  39. I am scared of what that means for this pregnancy.
  40. Rule of thumb is half the time.
  41. That means two hours.
  42. Holy shit.
  43. We are planning a home birth this time.
  44. My household consists of one husband, one 3 year old, one dog and one cat.
  45. We started with the cat. Gradual progression of responsibility, we thought.
  46. Then we got the dog. A wonderful, very high energy, needy dog. We didn't have a fucking clue what we were getting into.
  47. Then I gave birth to our son. It was clear that if we thought we were in over our heads with the dog, the baby was going to do us in.
  48. But we managed. And now we're thriving.
  49. I had the most fun at my wedding. It was a great day.
  50. Our honeymoon in Australia was even better.
  51. And totally worth the debt.
  52. Many of our friends don't have mortgages. They're 30-something and have already paid for their large houses.
  53. We do have a mortgage.
  54. I'm okay with that.
  55. Most of the time.
  56. I breastfed my son for 2.5 years.
  57. I am incredibly proud of this fact.
  58. I am truly what they call a "lactivist" or a "nipple nazi". And I'm proud of it.
  59. Breastfeeding was the best tool in my parenting toolbox.
  60. Extended nursing is an amazing gift.
  61. Even if you do have to endure all the looks and questions, "Are you still breastfeeding??!!"
  62. It's pretty incredible that I nursed my son at all.
  63. He did not latch for the first six weeks of his life.
  64. I was attached to a pump or getting him to nurse every moment of every day.
  65. I loathe my breast pump.
  66. But he did latch.
  67. I am a cliche for everything that could possibly have gone wrong with breastfeeding.
  68. I had a breast reduction eight years before my son was born. The reducation caused supply problems.
  69. I do not regreat the breast reduction despite the problems.
  70. I try really hard not to regret anything. It's a waste of energy.
  71. I am fucking stubborn.
  72. When my son wouldn't latch, I worked with a lactation consultant and Dr. Jack Newman and cried and agonized.
  73. I took a lot of Domperidone for my supply.
  74. It helped. A lot.
  75. I exclusively breastfed. No formula.
  76. I am scared that this baby won't latch either.
  77. But I am a different person now.
  78. I had chronic, toe-clenching, screaming pain every time my son nursed for the first 10 months of my son's life.
  79. My husband was amazingly supportive even though he hated to see me in so much pain.
  80. The pain was caused by chronic thrush.
  81. It took many treatments but I finally got rid of it.
  82. Don't take an iron supplement post-partum if you are prone to yeast/thrush.
  83. I am an engineer and project manager.
  84. I am pretty good at these things.
  85. I was genetically pre-disposed to be a project manager.
  86. My sister, mother and grandfather all share the same list-making, organizational, anal tendencies.
  87. I also play the french horn.
  88. I haven't played in three years.
  89. I can't find time to be a mom, work, run and play music.
  90. I will play again.
  91. I also run. Not fast, but I run.
  92. I have run one marathon and four half-marathons.
  93. Running is the best therapy for me, it helped my depression.
  94. I am addicted to Starbucks Soy Chais. No water, please.
  95. It is an expensive habit.
  96. But it makes me so happy.
  97. All I need is a book and a chai and I am happy.
  98. Or at least I can escape.
  99. I am very blessed.
  100. I try to remember and be grateful for it every day.

Sorry for the swearing. It's a coping mechanism. And it feels kinda good. So did writing this list. I'll have to update it after PB is born. :)

Update: Apologies for anyone reading on bloglines. This is at least the third edit I've made. I don't usually edit that much because I usually proofread carefully. Today? Not so much.

Thank goodness it's Thursday.

Yes, I know that's not the original expression. But really, it applies. Only one more day til Mr. Chili is home. Mr. Chili left town on Tuesday morning for a business trip. LC is very attached to fun daddy. Very, very attached. Which I am a-okay with* because it was all about me for the first two years of LC's life. Sound the trumpets, because Mr. Chili is going to be home...tomorrow! And I am going to work from home tomorrow so I can do my conference calls while mopping the floor and not have to commute and rush to do drop-off and pickup.

There is a pattern to how LC responds to Mr. Chili's absences.

First day
  • Fussier than usual. Hair trigger on the meltdowns.
  • The dog is whinier too.
  • I feel harried as I try to adjust to doing all myself. Makes me realize how very wonderful Mr. Chili is.
  • We talk to daddy on the phone. The guys have a really good conversation. It's very cute to observe. (Love the speaker phone feature on our cordless - it works really well.)

Second, third, etc. day
  • New normal. We have all adjusted. The dog is whining less. The cat, well, who knows what the cat notices.
  • It's just my buddy LC and me. Fewer tantrums. Less fussy. We make dinner together, we read stories together, we talk to daddy on the phone. Only the conversation is shorter. LC just isn't as interested in talking to fun daddy.
  • When LC asks about daddy - especially when he's whining in the morning that he misses daddy - I tell him that daddy will be home soon (luckily he doesn't call me on when "soon" is). I tell him that I miss daddy too.

Last day
  • To keep us both going, I start telling LC that daddy is coming home tomorrow. Very exciting. I only say this when I am absolutely positive that Mr. Chili is in transit and will make it home. I do not want to deal with a disappointed toddler.
  • Usually it's Friday. To get us out of the house and reward us for surviving, we head to McD's and have dinner, followed by some fun time at Playland. Then *fingers crossed* fun daddy is home before bedtime. And le voila - we have survived another week without daddy.
I am exhausted by the time Mr. Chili gets home. I never go to bed early enough on a good night, and when I have to do all the household stuff, plus catch up on some work, and am pregnant, I just end up exhausted by Friday. Man, am I a whiner!

* Okay, I do get a little jealous of how important daddy is and wish that I didn't get so cruelly rejected by LC. I mean it hurts when a three year old tells you to "go away". No matter that it's not rational. Sometimes I feel like this is preparation for the first time a teenage (or ten year old?) LC tells me he hates me. 'Cause that is gonna happen.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Normal tantrums?

At the tender age of three, LC has entered a new era of tantrums. We thought the screaming-kicking-crying episodes between ages two and three were fun. Hah! In the past few months, we have witnessed new heights (depths?) to his tantrums. Is it normal for a three year old to have such - I hesitate to say it - rage? I believe the triggers are:

  • tired
  • stressed
  • coming down with something/sick

Normal stuff. I mean, who isn't more prone to a fit of pique when they're tired?
What disturbs me is the range of behaviour we see and how violent he is. He will kick, pinch, pull hair, hit, if you are within range. Sometimes he will lunge after you. This is accompanied by screaming/crying/wailing/sobbing at tremendous volume.

If the conditions are right (wrong), he has such a hair trigger that it's really, really hard to avoid setting him off. And frankly, hey, I'm the adult and he's the kid. I shouldn't have to walk on eggshells around my kid, afraid that he's going to have a tantrum.

Getting him out of the tantrum takes some combination of 1) patience, 2) distraction, 3) a cuddle/hug - but only if he's calm enough.

Mr. Chili left for a business trip today. LC is very, very attached to his daddy (after two years of all me). Mr. Chili did the drop-off today and told LC that he was going away for a couple of days, that he would be back and that he loved LC. So when I went to pick up LC - and Daddy usually does pick up, I was prepared for some upset. What I got was a lovely, cooperative little boy who saw me, yelled, "Mommy!", gave me a huge hug, picked up his lunch bag, got his coat (and the wet clothing from the one accident today), put away his work, said good-bye to his teacher and then came over to the doorway, where I was waiting. As is his routine, he opened his lunch bag looking for a snack and a drink. He pulled out the glass bottle of fruit punch leftover from his hot lunch. He asked me to open it. I replied that I couldn't right now because it was glass and might break, but that I would be happy to open it as soon as we got home. This was not acceptable. He started wailing right there.

I did not cave. I stayed crouched down, kept talking calmly. I helped him put on this coat, he tried to hit me. I knew it was coming, so I calmly said, "no hitting" and kept trying to get him moving. After he refused to move, and was disturbing everyone in the classroom, I semi-dragged him out to the hallway. Where he lay prostrate on the floor, crying, screaming. I let him go for a bit, crouched down next to him, calmly telling him it was okay, we would have the fruit punch soon. Not working. One of the teachers came out to the hallway to see what the commotion was about. LC kicked off his shoes, kept crying and screaming. I was starting to lose patience. I had to hold him down to get his shoes on, and then I picked up all the stuff and carried him out of school. He kicked a bit, but seemed to be past the violent stage of the tantrum (very short stage - this time). I set him down on the stairs outside. He calmed a bit outside - change of scene, I guess - and I took the opportunity to give hug him and tell him it was okay. By this point, the topic of screaming had moved from fruit punch to missing daddy, wanting daddy, etc. So I hugged him and told him I missed daddy too, and that we would talk to daddy on the phone tonight, etc.

I carried him to the car and he was marginally calmer. Alas, it did not stay that way. As soon as his butt hit the car seat, he started screaming and crying louder than before. It was honestly deafening. And I could not reason with him. I just gritted my teeth and drove home as quickly as I could. I could almost laugh as I got out of the car (silence), opened the hatch to get my stuff (screaming), shut the hatch (silence), opened the door to get his stuff (screaming), etc. Dumped our stuff inside, then came and got him. I carried him inside, and he kept screaming and carrying on.

Surprisingly, I remained fairly calm through this. I sat him on the stairs, tried to take off his coat and shoes, was rejected. Went to the kitchen, fed the cat and dog. LC threw a couple of things towards the kitchen -not much ammunition, fortunately, and then started playing with his coat zipper. He loves practicing doing up his own coat. That calmed him down. I checked on him a few times and eventually, he came to see what I was doing. He helped me prepare a quick dinner (cheese omelette and toast) and we had a very civilized dinner.

Maybe this isn't the best example of how violent and intense these tantrums can be. But man, I just hope this is "normal". Some kind of normal. I don't know. LC is an amazing kid. And I tell myself that this is a normal developmental stage. Feelings are intense when you're that age. Right? It's that I'm disturbed by how violent he can be - trying to lash out and hurt Mr. Chili and me. Mostly me. When he gets like that, we carry him to the stairs, but he won't stay put. So we just keep repeating that he needs to stay on the stairs until he is calm. It takes a while. A long, long while sometimes.

If anyone is reading this, care to tell me that this is normal? Or on the spectrum of normal? Any feedback is appreciated.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mind in the Gutter/Things that Make me Laugh, Part 3

Item 1
Recently seen on the back of a dump truck:

"Everyone needs a good dump"

Seriously. The truck was owned by Osmar Hauling, based in Ontario. I couldn't find a web listing for these folks, but I swear I'm not making it up!

[On a TMI sidenote, if only they knew how true that statement is and how cruel pregnancy constipation is....]

Item 2

A few months ago, I was stopped behind a car that was from Michigan. The car was sold by - I shit you not -

Krapohl* Ford Lincoln Mercury

Really. Okay, please tell me I'm not the only one who find that funny! These guys exist - I had to look them up.

*No offense meant to anyone with the surname of Krapohl. I'm sure it is an honorable and worthy name. I'm just immature and it makes me giggle.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Notes from LC's fourth Halloween

Some bullets of Halloween:

  • I can't believe this was LC's fourth Halloween.
  • In 2003, he was only a few weeks old his first year, and I dressed him up as a chili pepper. He looked so cute. He slept the whole evening. Mr. Chili and I just stared at him, still in that new-parent daze. We visited our neighbours across the street to show off our little chili pepper. (No, no correlation at all between my nom de blog and LC's costume. Why do you ask?)
  • In 2004, he was a green dinosaur with purple spikes. Costume provided by Nana from Land's End. He was very cute in the costume and happily toddled/crawled around. I think we carried him over to visit the same neighbour.
  • In 2005, I purchased a far too expensive lion costume for LC. And he flat out refused to wear it. Didn't want anything to do with trick or treating. So he stayed home, cranky, while Mr. Chili and I took turns handing out candy.
  • This year: LC had a choice between the notorious lion costume or a fire fighter. Each time we asked him what he wanted to be for Halloween, he would answer differently. We heard: elephant, pumpkin, flamingo, etc. Eventually given a choice between lion and fire fighter, he chose fire fighter. The lion loses again. He made a darned cute fire fighter.
  • 2006 trick or treating? 1 house. LC happily held daddy's hand, crossed the street and visited the same neighbours. He got one tiny bag of chips and one mini chocolate bar. He was pretty pleased with himself. Then he wanted to come home. He spent the rest of the night sitting on

More bullets of Halloween:

  • Pumpkin carving was fun this year. We bought three, and LC had fun "helping" daddy scoop out the insides. We actually made some pretty good looking jack o' lanterns. Will post pics if I ever get them off the camera.
  • We live in a trick or treat dead zone. Even fewer trick or treaters this year. For some reason, our neighbourhood has lots of kids, but is sparse in trick or treaters. Lots of leftover candy. Very bad for me. I have already eaten far too much of it. Blurgh.
  • Manners. Most trick or treaters actually had good manners this year. As opposed to previous years, where the trick or treaters (older kids/teens) just stood there, sullen, not bothering to say "trick or treat" or "please" or "thank you", the kids this year said all those things. There were a few kids that I thought were too old, but not as many as last year.
  • Not really about Halloween, but fun daddy took LC up for a bath, I handed out candy, and then I took over the going-to-sleep duties. LC was out cold by 8:15pm. Awesome!
  • Also not really about Halloween. I submitted my application to the PMI. I hope to hear back by Mon 6-Nov that my application has been approved so I can schedule my exam. Yeah me!


Not so much here. I can't seem to post once a week, let alone every day. Plus I have a major exam to study for over the next month. (Going for my professional project manager certification. It'll help in the job search. I hope.)

So I'm doing my own version of NoBloPoMo. I vow to post at least five times this month. So that averages out to slightly more than once a week. I always have things I want to talk about. I just don't make the time to talk about them!

There. I feel better now.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Anyone got a site counter that doesn't install spyware?

I'm looking for a site counter. Nothing fancy. My requirements are:
  • Doesn't install spyware when I access the site or install the site. (Maybe my firewall settings are too strict, but I've found that tracksky, sitemeter and statcounter all throw up "this site is blocked" in IE*.)
  • Simple counting of how many visitors from what domain
  • How users found my site (search terms)

That's about it. I think. Did I mention I'm new to all this?

Let me know if you have any recommendations. Thanks!

*Yes, part of the problem is that I'm using IE. I know, I know. I need to get with the times and use Firefox. Haven't had time or energy to make the switch.

Blog Roll updated

I have observed the controversy about advertising on blog, whether blogs rolls are good and bad, etc. I don't feel particularly political, so I have decided:
1) no advertising (no one reads this anyways)
2) I will keep a blogroll

I've learned that I am reading way too many blogs. And commenting on virtually none. I should really flip that ratio - read fewer, comment more.

Still to come - updating medical blogs. (I enjoy reading about medical stuff and am always looking for new stuff about nephrology, VUR, etc.) See here and here for why this is of interest to me.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I didn't realize I was that boring!

Then again, look at the title of this blog....

Found at Jody's Raising WEG, Nancy's Blog Pourri and others. (Hope I'm giving proper credit/linkage. I'm still new to the blogosphere and not up on all the etiquette.)

You've Changed 20% in 10 Years

You've hardly changed in ten years, from your lifestyle to those very retro clothes.
And unless you were really ahead of your time, you probably need to acquaint yourself with the modern world!

Funny, because I feel like I have changed a lot in 10 years. I'm going to cheat and look at the past 11 years:

1995: graduate from Big University
1995: start first post-degree job, meet Mr. Chili

1996: after being friends for a long time and realizing I really like this guy, ask Mr. Chili out & start dating. Realize just a few months later that I really love this man.

1997: Mr. Chili asks me to move in with him

1998: receive my Professional Engineer designation (Oooooh - more letters after my name!)

1999: buy first new car together

2000: buy first house. (Way more stressful and scary than getting married.)

2001: Mr. Chili proposes

2002: get married (perfect ceremony & reception). Go to Australia for 3.5 weeks on our honeymoon - the most awesome trip ever.
2002: start trying to have a baby

2003: get the best birthday present ever - first positive pregnancy test. Cancel laparoscopy that was scheduled because it's been a year since we started*
2003: Little Chili is born. Most amazing moment of my life. A year of depression, pain and "challenges" begins.

2004: Back to work, part-time. Love it. Best of both worlds.

2005: Forced to resume full-time employment. :(

2006: LC stops nursing. We made it 2.5 years. This is (trust me) an amazing accomplishment.
2006: My employer of seven years announces that they are closing down the office I work in. I am out of a job.
2006: Decide that maybe, just maybe I want to have another baby. Experience the awesome shock of hitting the jackpot on only our second month trying.

* Small potatoes in terms of TTC duration. But it felt heart-breaking at the time. I classify myself as "sub-fertile", and Mr. Chili too. But that's another story for another time.

Friday, September 22, 2006

The train makes mommy cry

(Yes, it has been far too long since my last post. I have been writing lots of posts in my head. And have a few drafts sitting that I should really publish.)

Today LC turned 3 years old. *insert cliche here* They're all true. I sit here and marvel at how much LC has grown and matured. He's by no means a big kid, he's still smaller than most of his peers, but he can do so much now, understand so much. When I'm not actively involved in whatever he's doing, I find myself staring at him in amazement.

I just got back from dropping LC and Mr. Chili off at the GO station (local commuter train in our area). LC and Mr. Chili are going on an adventure. They are going to a pre-season game to watch Mr. Chili's beloved Toronto Maple Leafs. We have season tickets* that have been in Mr. Chili's family for a couple of generations. They're great seats, not as good in the ACC as they were in the Gardens, but pretty good still. Bloody expensive too.

I pulled into the "kiss & go" parking area, Mr. Chili gathered up the diaper bag (loaded with lots of snacks and toys and spare clothes) and the stroller and unbuckled LC from his carseat. I got out of the car and kissed my guys good-bye. Told them to have a great time. Then I sat in the car and watched as Mr. Chili carried LC to the station doors. My eyes welled up, watching my big boys go off to a night of fun. I felt so many things: so proud of Mr. Chili for being such a great dad, so proud of LC for being so mature, sad that I wasn't going with them (and a bit jealous too), sad about LC not needing me as much anymore. Etc.

I know LC does need me. But not like he used to. And most days I'm grateful that daddy is not only a choice, but the preferred choice. The first two years of LC's life were very, uh, intense and demanding of me. He was very attached and I was a nursing/co-sleeping/etc momma. So I was the ne plus ultra of comfort. And I remember wishing that he would just leave me alone for a moment. And now that time has come and I'm a bit sad about it. Never satisfied, some might say... Or is it that we always want what we don't have. I don't know. I figure these feelings are okay, so long as I don't wallow in them.

What makes me feel better is realizing that I am going to get a chance to do those first two years (and more) all over again. I'm terrified and thrilled. I'm now 17 weeks pregnant. Pinto Bean (PB) is doing great. And in just a few short months, I'll get another shot (probably my last) at doing this all again.

I'm blessed.

* We sell most of them, they're so danged expensive.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What an interesting month, part 2

29-Jun, evening
I've been aware all day that my period has not yet arrived. But it was late last month (by one stinking day) and I foolishly got excited, POAS got a BFN and my period promptly arrived two hours later. Hah! The universe is so funny.

While the big boss is droning on about how we're all losing our jobs, my mind is (semi-hysterically) thinking - man, wouldn't it be strange if I was pregnant now? Huh. Nah.

After Mr. Chili and I hashed out different scenarios for my future employment, I mentioned, oh so casually, that my period was late, just a day mind you, and that I was going to POAS in the morning. That would make my period show up!

30-Jun, 0600.
After a restless sleep, I find myself wide awake at 0600. Ugh. Not my favourite time to be awake. Especially since I was going to give myself the luxury of sleeping in that day. I mean, really, I was losing my job. Who cares if I come in at 0900 or 1000?

I lie in our bed, wide awake. And I know why I'm awake. The tantalizing possibility that I could be pregnant is in my brain, buzzing around. It's like the elephant in the room. Can't stop looking at it, thinking about it. So I quietly get out of bed, trying not to disturb Mr. Chili and LC. LC has had a restless night, the kind that really makes us wish that LC was ready for his own bed. Mr. Chili is sprawled out on his stomach, on top of the covers, in his boxers. So sexy and rumpled.

I quietly walk into the bathroom. Pull out the only pregnancy test I have. I decide to take it downstairs to the half bathroom. Don't have to worry about disturbing anyone. Even the cat and dog are still asleep. I bring the instructions. God knows why. It's not like pregnancy tests are uber-complicated. I pee on the stick. I have to watch. I watch my pee travel up the stick, and I stare unblinking at one and then two lines appear. No faint shadow of a line here, but a definite positive.

Holy shit.

Outwardly, I think I appear pretty calm. But inwardly, my mind is in turmoil. I am laughing at the universe's timing. I am grateful, so very, very grateful. I realize what a miracle this is. And I realize that if I wasn't pregnant now, we'd have to do the responsible thing and stop trying until I found a new job. And then wait until I was established in my new job. It could be a year or more. And that would suck even more. So I'll take my turmoil and uncertainty because it comes with a pregnancy.

I don't know how long I sat on the toilet. Eventually, I come upstairs, stick clutched in my hand. And I lie in bed, waiting until a more civilized hour to wake Mr. Chili. I don't even know how to tell him. I wonder if he'll be excited. I can't remember how he reacted when I was pg with LC. Just before 0700, I can't take it anymore. I walk over to his side of the bed, and I kiss his cheek. And I place the stick in his hand. He says he's been awake the whole time - that he heard me get up. He knew I was gone for a while and wondered if that meant good news. Other that a wow, he doesn't really react. And I am disappointed. That neither of us is jumping-up-and-down excited. I guess we're just not like that. And to be fair, we're both still in shock that I've lost my job.

Later on in the shower, I remember that Mr. Chili took a while to react last time too. This is normal.

We talk a bit in the morning over LC and during morning preparations for work and school. We decide that this is going to make one hell of a story. How often do you lose your job and find out you're pregnant in the same 24 hours?

So interweb, that's the big stuff. There's lots more to talk about - vacation, sickness, telling people, job searching while pregnant. I'll get to it. I'm sure you understand that things are very busy right now.

Not-so-strangely silent (aka What an Interesting Month)

So interweb. How are you? It's been an interesting month since I last posted.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, my employer announced that they are closing down the engineering center that employs me. Everyone is gone - 200 engineers and managers. Quite a shock. Some people are being "separated" (that's the term du jour, apparently) in September, most in December and a few in March. Holy shit. In some ways this news is a total shock. In hindsight, there were some warnings. None of which I should talk about here, since I do want to remain employed until my separation date.

The part that really sucks is that I like it here. I was really getting into the grove in my role, finding a lot of satisfaction in it. Felt like I was making a difference. An impact.

That night, Mr. Chili and I talked a lot. About different scenarios.

I guess the only good thing is that I updated my resume in April, so it didn't need much tweaking to be ready. I was considering the possibility of leaving my employer for another job, very interesting, very challenging. But that opportunity fizzled out, and I let it go. Like I said, I was really enjoying my job.

Now? After a month, I have regained some motivation and momentum. It took a while. It's hard to be motivated. It's hard not to think "fuck you". And "what are they going to do? Fire me?" But I'm pretty much over that and I want to finish things up and leave them in a good state.

The severance package really bites. It's so small that the message I'm getting is, "don't let the door hit your ass on the way out". It's disappointing, because my employer is usually a pretty classy. I know that past layoffs have had much better packages. So I have no incentive to stay for my package. I just want to get the hell out of here.

And then it got more complicated.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

22-Jun Not-so-fitness journal

Weight yesterday = 151.6 lbs.
Yes, that's right. I managed to gain back any minimal loss I might have had. In fact, yesterday I broke the previous record of 151.2lbs. Gah. I suck.

Weight today = 150.8lbs.
Better. I actually ate well yesterday and went for a run.

Okay. Time to come clean. I think the real (and so secret I don't want to admit it out loud) reason I haven't been dedicated to losing weight is that I want to get pregnant. Again. I am ready to have a second child. If you know me, you'll know that this is a mind-blowing revelation. Seriously. And it's not one that I can admit out loud. Well, that's not true. I did admit it to Mr. Chili a few months ago. And we started tentatively trying in May. Kind of trying-without-actually-admitting that we're trying. As in, I'm using the ovulation signs to time sex to give us a shot at hitting the egg. But given our history (trying to conceive LC was non-trivial. Although nowhere near what many, many others have gone through), I had no expectations that we would get lucky on the first shot.

So mentally, I am holding myself in limbo, thinking crap thoughts like, "No point in losing weight now because I'm hoping to be pregnant soon and I'll just gain it back."

That's just stupid. Because I know if I'm in better shape, I'll have a better pregnancy. G*d knows I cannot afford to gain 65 fu**ing pounds like last time.

And that's the truth. Now that I've admitted it out loud, maybe I'll be able to regain and maintain my focus? Let's hope so.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Not-so-Fitness Journal

Where to start? I still weigh anywhere from 149-151 lbs. I haven't lost a bit. And I know why. I lack the drive and committement to change my eating habits and lifestyle to lose weight.

I feel:

  • Fat. The clothes that fit me last year don't.
  • Ugly. I just don't look as good as I could.
  • Frustrated. That it it within my power to lose these 8 or so pounds and I can't get my sh!t together to lose.
  • Apathetic. I look okay, kind of. But then I try on clothes in my closet that fit last summer. And they don't fit. And I feel like sh!t.

I have a million excuses.

  • I'm busy. Now that I'm working full-time, it's really tough to find time to exercise. And I have a toddler. Who I want to spend time with
  • I'm tired. See above.
  • I'm not motivated. I look okay. Kinda.
  • There's always an excuse to eat junk or just too much. BBQ at work, dinner at MILs, anniversary celebration with Mr. Chili, feeling blue, feeling happy.
  • ...

I am annoyed with myself for not being more motivated. I know how to do this. I have done this before. The real pisser is that I was down to 140 (pre-pg weight) in April, 2005. What the f**k happened? I got plantar fasciitis, I stopped training so hard, but kept eating.

I'm a problem solver. So how do I solve this problem? I feel like an alcholic - I swear that I'm going to stop overeating & start exercising. And I do, for a few minutes, a few hours, a few days. Then I fall off the wagon. And it starts again.

How do I find the motivation to stay committed. I've toyed with the idea of joining WW. But I resist - I say, "it's only 8 pounds", "I can do this myself", "I've done this before". But it's not working. I'm not staying motivated and committed. Arrrrgggh!

I want to end this post with a committment to my body and my health. But I don't want to because I feel like I'll just break this promise too. I know I can do better. I just have to figure out how.

Mind in the Gutter, Part 2

Continuing the journey into my strange little mind...

At the building where I work, we have a problem with Canada Geese

[Photo source:]

They are big birds that like to nest in the middle of the parking lot. Not good for people or geese. In an effort to humanely discourage the geese from choosing this building's parking lot for nesting, the building management company has implemented a...wait for it....


Laughing yet? In my vocabulary, a goose is "pinch in the buttocks; 'he goosed the unsuspecting girl'" (source). So the first time I heard this, all I could think about was a management-sanctioned program that encourages us to pinch each other's asses. *snort*

The reality is it's a pretty cool program, that uses a fake coyote (moved strategically every day), lasers at night and a cannon at night, which all work to make the geese think that this is not a cool place to land. Much better than any other option of poisoning or hunting or...

What's wrong with having geese on the property? A few things:

  • Nesting geese are very agressive, and large sections of the parking lot have to be cordoned off, and parking is limited.
  • Geese and cars are a bad combination. (Last year, before the program was started, two geese were killed.)
  • Geese are messy, and leave poop everywhere

*goose* Hah.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mind in the Gutter, Part 1

Oh my, has it really been that long since I posted? Yep.

Two examples of my immature and dirty mind...blame it on the corrupting influcence of Mr. Chili. Blame it on being an engineer. Blame it on working with mostly male colleagues. Whatever. The point is that I often find immature, rude things very funny.

To wit:
Example 1
Name of company, seen on said company's van:

"Shat-r-proof Safety Glass"

What did hubby & I immediately think? *heh heh* Their name is Shat. As in past tense of Shit. Too funny.

'Kay, just looked for the company to prove it was real. They exist.

Example 2
Took an uber-geek course in Critical Chain project management. There was one term that had me giggling all day:
"Buffer penetration"

I'm sorry, but anyone who uses the word "penetration" seriously is going to make me laugh.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Knock Knock

LC is trying to learn how to tell jokes. It's way cute. He learned about knock-knock jokes from a Backyardigans episode.

So here is LC's version:
LC: "Knock knock"
Me: "Who's there?"
LC: "Banana"
Me: "Banana who?"
LC: "Horseradish!"

Mr. Chili and I just started laughing. LC was trying for the whole "orange you glad I didn't say banana?" knock knock joke. Pretty good for a first try! No idea where the horseradish reference came from...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

*tap tap*

Is anyone there?


Well, then no one will have noticed my absence. I have been busy, consumed even, by many things. Some highlights:

1. Being a doula/mother bear/guardian/champion to a dear friend during the birth and post-partum. This is a dear friend who is wrestling with some major problems. It felt good to be able to help her this way.

2. Sorting out some troubles in the Chili household.
Mr. Chili said something alarming and disturbing to me on Saturday. It took until Tuesday to sort it out, but we are okay now.

3. LC's burgeoning temper
Major tantrums which sap everything spirit, my patience, my optimism.

4. Work.
Sucks. 'Nuf said.

Will endeavour to write more detail about these later. Especially #1.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

21 Apr Fitness Journal

Weight = 149.6 (-2.2 lbs)

Pathetic, really. I've been at this for how many weeks and lost a lousy two pounds? Yeah, I'm really working this. I have a friend who is two inches taller than me and is nine months pregnant, and weighs only 155lbs right now. Yes, that's only 6 pounds more than me and she's about to give birth. In fact, I bet when she leaves the hospital, she'll weigh less than me. How much do I suck?????

And yet, I stopped at Starbucks for breakfast. Makes tons of sense. *sigh*

B SB tall soy chai
B SB breakfast cookie. (pretty fatty, in hindsight. Not getting that again)
L organic cheddar
L 5 low salt stoned wheat thins
L 1T peanut butter
L Healthy Choice low-fat choc pudding
S 1 pack rockets
S handful of yogurt-covered raisins
S diet pepsi
D 4 PC chicken nuggets
D McCain low fat oven french fries
D plum sauce (for dipping, natch!)
? can't remember what else...

Wicked caffiene withdrawl headache...felt like my eyeballs were shaking in my head, brain was jittery. Very unpleasant sensation. I didn't think my caffiene consumption was out of hand, but maybe I need to cut back?

Friday, April 21, 2006

A placeholder

So I have other stuff to say beyond how much I still weight and what I'm eating. Really. I have all these ideas and about four draft posts. And I will get at least one published this weekend. Promise!


20 Apr Fitness Journal

I'll be so glad when Mr. Chili gets home on Fri night. I'm so frickin tired. Somewhat self-inflicted, since I haven't been able to make myself go to bed lately. Just in denial, feeling not quite right. Sore throat is gone, thank goodness, but still tired and icky feeling. At least my cat-scratched face is healing. Man, I still can't get over how I had blood running down my face. Scared the crap outta me when I finally saw my face. All that stuff about head wounds bleeding a lot? True.

Weight - dunno. Less than 21st, I think.

B lg tea w/m&s
B detour bar
S jeneusse yogurt
S thinaddictives cookies
L leftover hamburger
L 1 sl whole wheat baguette
L 2 apple newtons
D fusili w/bolognese sauce & parm cheese
D org greens w/balsamic dressing
D 1/2 gl red wine
S thinaddictives cookies
S decaf tea w/m&s

Thursday, April 20, 2006

19 Apr Fitness Journal

Pretty good day nutritionally, until this evening. *sigh* Still struggling with this cold and Mr. Chili is away on business. And LC has decided that bedtime should be much, much later.

Wish I could have run, but between the cold and Mr. Chili's trip, I just didn't have it in me.

Weight = 148.4 (-3.4lbs)

B detour bar
B large tea w/m&s
B jeunesse yogurt
S thinaddictives cookies
L leftover turkey stew w/cheddar cheese
S quaker choc chip granola bar
D salad w/balsamic dressing
D homemade hamburger w/ketchup
D 1/2 gl red wine
D 6 small breadsticks
S decaf orange pekoe tea w/m&s
S 5 chocolate sandwich cookies <-- and that's where I blew it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

18 Apr Fitness Journal

Fighting off a cold. Okay but blah day at work. Then home for dinner, feeling like crap due to the cold. But rather than be useless at home, and short with LC, went to the mall to buy tons of stuff. Bought 3 baby gifts, 3 sibling gifts, 1 mom gift, 1 stepmom birthday gift, summer hat for LC, sale pants & pjs, nice Clinique for Men stuff for Mr. Chili. Really wanted to get shoes for me, but of course, couldn't find any. Then, like an idiot, I stayed up until 3:30am. Worked some, but mostly just in denial-land and didn't want to go to bed. Not my finest hour. Why do I do this?????

Weight = 149.8 (-2lbs) Ugh. F*ck. Gained back 1.6 lbs. That’s what eating crap will do for ya.

B detour bar
B TH lge steeped tea w/m&s
S jeunesse yogurt
S 2 apple newtons
L leftover turkey stew
S cheddar mini rice cakes (100cals)
D selection of cheeses (org marble cheddar, emmenthal, parmesan, gruyere) & 4 stoned wheat thins. (my current favourite easy dinner)
S Timothys med chai w/soy

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter in the Chili household

*warning* boring post ahead!

Easter weekend….
Great time, busy weekend.

Relaxing morning, I went for a run. Then we headed out for a playdate with friends. The kids played well together, it was just a bummer that it rained all day. My friends were kind enough to invite us to share lunch with them, so LC & I enjoyed some French toast and fresh fruit.

Quiet pizza dinner, ran out for a quick Starbucks (they closed at 7pm – bastards, the nerve of them celebrating a holiday), then read in my car. Just didn’t want to go home, wanted a break from life. Wanted Mr. Chili to put LC down. Sometimes, I just need a break, kwim? So I sat in my car and read the fifth Harry Potter book. I’ve had it for ages, but haven’t had the time to crack the cover. I’m quite enjoying it, although I don’t know when I’ll have the chance again to read it.

Busy day. With stores closed on Friday and Sunday, today was the shopping day. So I got up early, and hit Loblaws at 0830, Costco at 1000. Now Loblaws was relatively quiet because I was early – yeah me! Costco, on the other hand, had only opened half an hour prior and was in full chaos mode. But the sad part is that I enjoyed myself. I had no husband and no LC getting impatient. So I just zenned my way through the crowds, spending money like there was no tomorrow… Quite enjoyable, really. After I was done shopping, I hustled home, put away the groceries, then headed out to the Rouge Rive park to meet the boys. Mr. Chili, LC and our dog, Cosmo were at a beautiful conservation area nearby, and had met up with friends of ours (with their Great Dane). The kids and dogs were having a great time. They had already been there for two hours, and LC had walked a tremendous amount. I brought snacks for the kids. Cheesestrings all around! And water and raisins and apple newtons. All favourite snacks in our household. LC and our friend’s daughter sat on a log and munched away, looking adorable.

After that, Mr. Chili took LC in one car, on a mission to get LC to sleep. We knew he was tired after all that walking. But did he sleep? Nope. Not for quite a while. Meantime, I stopped and picked Mr. Chili and I up some lunch. I got exactly two bites in my mouth before Mr. Chili pulled into the driveway, frustrated because LC was still awake. So I took over and drove until LC fell asleep. Unfortunately he only had a short nap, waking up 45 minutes later. After he woke up, I carried him in the house and we just chilled on the couch, as he was obviously still tired.

We headed out again in the afternoon, stopping at a local cycle shop to look at trikes. We bought LC and cute red tricycle and a shiny new bell for it. He actually wasn’t all that enthused at the bike shop – kept wanting to look at the big bikes. We figure (hope?) that he’ll become more interested in his trike as time goes on. After the exciting trike purchase, we headed to my mom’s for easter dinner. It was yummy and LC surprised us by eating a ton of food – the ate asparagus (grilled, then drizzled with olive oil and parmesan cheese), mashed potatoes, peas, lamb, milk. Wow. Had a good time at my parents, except for their dysfunctional arging and tension, which the kids & spouses all just kind of laugh off now.

[Which does raise two points. 1) why the hell do I get my kid to sleep driving and 2) I think he might be close to giving up his nap. Nooooooooooooo!]

Mr. Chili had some work to do (from home, thank goodness). Grandma Lois came to visit and we had the best time because we....did the first annual O'Grady easter egg hunt. [Say egg hunt five time. Nasty, eh?] On Saturday night, Mr. Chili and I filled about 20 eggs - with goldfish crackers, rasins, pretzels, yogurt covered pretzels, and yes, some candy - jellybeans, smarties and gummy bears**. We also hid a new set of green matchbox firetrucks. And the piece de resistance, was the new Backyardigans DVD that I bought. It was a lot of fun. Took LC a little while to catch on, but he did. And we helped him a lot - attention span isn't that long, you know.

After the egg hunt, we headed downtown-ish and met friends for lunch. LC was incredibly, unbelieveably well behaved. He sat for at least an hour. Ate coleslaw, tried a chicken wing, wasn't a big fan, ate some of his deep fried mac & cheese wedges (don't ask, it is as disgusting as you might think), and was generally cute. This from the kid who won't sit in a restaurant for more than five minutes ususally. Have no idea what happened, but it was pretty awesome.

After lunch, we headed to the gelato place up the street, which was closed to a fluke. So I settled (heh) for a SB chai. We headed over to a local school w/new playground equipment. LC had the best time, running around, going down the slide, etc. We had a good time chatting with our frineds we hadn't seen in months.

Now you'd think LC would be tired after this, right? Well, he was. But did he want to sleep, not so much. He only napped for 45 minutes. Please oh please don't tell me he's dropping his nap!!!!

Good dinner, fun bath and then bedtime. Which is now taking an hour plus. Another trend which I hope doesn't last.

** LC loved the gummy bears. Seems to be universal amongst kids. Why? The texture kinda creeps me out. Hmph.

Monday, April 17, 2006

14-17 Apr Fitness Journal

Playing catch up...haven't written since the 13th and it's the 18th. Ugh.

Mon 17-Apr
Really, an incredibly poor day nutritionally. Just feeling ill, eating for all the wrong reasons. The scale is really starting to head up. I had best get my fucking act together.

B decaf or pekoe tea w/m&s
B detour bar
S jeunesse yogurt
S goldfish crackers, pretzel kind
S 2 apple newtons
S handful smarties (yes, stealing from my son's Easter candy)
L leftover broccoli soup w/half multigrain bagel w/margarine (late lunch)
L 9 mini fake chocolate eggs (!!!!)
D turkey stew
D 1 gl white wine
D 2 packs of tiny rocket candy
D few chocolate teddy grahams
S SB tall soy chai
S SB half nanaimo bar (yeah, really didn't need that!)

Sun 16-Apr
Exercise: did manage to run today. 6.5km. Good run. Too bad it was only my second of the week.

B 1 sl raisin toast
B TH XL steeped tea w/m&s
B too much of my son's easter candy - jellybeans, smarties, etc. (!!!)
L Duff's famous wings - about six honey garlic (tasty and deep fried. yum. yuck.)
L some potato wedges. (didn't go crazy and eat too many)
L coleslaw
L SB tall chai w/soy
S quaker cheddar mini cheddar rice cakes (100cal)
D homemade cream of brocoli soup (reasonably healthy)
D bit of white wine
D dessert brought from neighhbours - sampler of lemon meringue pic, strawberry mousse, fruit salad. Tasty, but very bad.
S mini Laura Secord buttercream egg (like tiny, but still bad)

Sat 15-Apr
does anyone care?
Lowlights: ate too much of LC's easter candy.

Fri 14-Apr
Exercise: ran 5km

B detour bar
S teddy grahams cookies
L tropicana orange/strawberry/banana juice
L 2 sl whole wheat french toast
L fresh fruit (pineapple, melon, strawberries) w/crappy chocolate dip
S TH steeped tea w/2m,1s
S 1 svg cheezits
S few jellybeans
D 2 sl thin crust pizza w/sundried tomatoes and proscuitto
D SB tall soy chai
S glayva (yum)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

13-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 18

Had a great sleep last night. Was so tired after being up til 4am the night before (for no good reason), that I went to bed w/LC. We were both asleep by 9pm, and I barely woke up when Mr. Chili got home. Too bad LC is back to only sleeping for 10 hours. I wish he would sleep longer...oh well! I'm happy with a good 10 hour stretch, believe me!

Weight = 148.2 (-3.6 lbs)

Up a bit today, but still down overall. Yes! I can do this! (Well, except for what I've eaten today...that might bugger it all up.)

B TH L steeped tea, 2m, 1s
B detour bar
S yogurt
S quaker salsa & sour cream rice cakes (100cal, 4g fat)
S thinaddictives cookies (3g fat)
L Subway sweet onion terriyaki 6" on whole wheat
L diet coke
L SB chai soy tall
S Doritos, sm. bag, pepperjack flavour (260cal, 113g fat) <-- why oh why did I eat these? What a stupid pointless waste of calories. I know better!
S 5 mini fake chocolate easter eggs
D 1/2 toasted cheese sandwich (1 sl wh wheat bread, organic cheddar cheese, bit of margarine, toasted under the broiler)
D tomato & parmesan soup (PC brand)
D Belaggios gelato, chocolate & banana (yum!)

Got a call from friends asking if we wanted to meet w/kids for gelato at a local Italian place. Mr. Chili didn't want to go, so LC and I went. I've never been to this place - it was great! I asked LC what he wanted but he just clammed right up. So I got my favourite chocolate and banana combo. (Ate that all over Europe when I did my solo euro-trip.) LC is clearly not a sweets person, because he declined to have any except for the tiniest bit of banana. Is it a coincidence that LC then didn't want to go to sleep? Mr. Chili started trying to get him to sleep at 8:45pm, it took until 9:50pm. Ugh!

12-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 17

Weight = 147.4 (-4.4lbs)
I'm sure that the weight is just a fluke. But man, it feels good to see that number going down, down, down. I'm getting to the point where I can get into the jeans that I had to abandon because I gained so much weight. Yeah, 10 pounds doesn't seem like that much, when you're rationalizing, but it is. I hate that none of my post-partum clothes that I worked so hard to fit in stopped fitting. (Did that make sense? Not really. Oh well.)

A good day, but I was so tired by the end of the day. And this stuff with LC's school is really stressing me out.

B detour bar
B TH steeped tea w/2m, 1s
L leftover fusili w/bolognese sauce & parm cheese
L thinaddictives cookies
S 1/2 bag cheddar rice cakes (50 cal)
D flemmish beef stew (eating well recipe, crockpot, not bad)
D 1 sl Ace bakery whole wheat baguette
D decaf orange pekoe tea w/m&s
D 2 chocolate thin wafers

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

11-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 16

A good night last night. LC slept in his own bed most of the night! Slow progress, which is just fine with me.

Weight = 148.4 (-3.4 lbs)

B detour bar
B TH stepped tea, 2m, 1s
S Neilsen yogurt, vanilla
L organic cheddar and 5 stoned wheat thins crackers
L 2 apple newtons
S apple
S 4 mini chocolate eggs (crap chocolate, but hey, I ate them anyways.)
D fusili w/bolognese sauce
D salad w/balsamic dressing
S SB tall chai soy
S nature bar

Did not need to eat entire nature bar. Felt full afterwards, not a sensation I like anymore. Was starving by the time I went to bed, though. Which was a 4am. What a fucking idiot I am. Really. So Mr. Chili kindly did the entire morning routine and let me sleep in. I slept in until 1000 - ugh. Didn't get to work until 1100. Double ugh.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Parenting choices or "Chili invites flaming & controversy to her blog"

I figure since I'm blogging in a vacuum, why not air out my parenting style and leave myself open to attack. This topic comes courtesy of Dooce, who recently posted on her CIO approach and received some astronomical number of comments - like 475! Most were pretty civilized and there were the requiste number of whackjobs who say inflamatory things, followed by the people who get offended, followed by - oh, you get the idea.

If you had told me I was going to parent this way before I had LC I woulda thought you were smoking crack. Seriously. I thought this stuff was freaky-deeky, granola, hippy shit.

So let me lay out how we parent.
1. extended breastfeeding
2.5 years. (See previous post.)
Yes, breastfeeding is more than nourishment. It is a way of parenting. It's bloody hard work sometimes. And it forces you to be more attached to your child. At least if you breastfeed the way that I do. And the way I believe is best for the child's health & development.

2. co-sleeping
Gasp! Yes, we co-sleep. So many reasons why:
a) At the beginning, when LC wouldn't latch, and I was desparately using the pump to build up my supply, we co-slept because the goddess of a lactation specialist that we found said it would help. (Will cite the studies later.) And we love it.
b) Mr. Chili is the biggest proponent of co-sleeping because even after he was away from LC all day, he could kiss him and watch him sleep.
c) We never had to worry about SIDS - he was right there. And when he was sick, he was right there.
d) When I went back to work, LC was 11 months old and still a pretty frequent nurser. While at daycare, he had finger food and a sippy of water. We nursed on demand when I was around. And his demand increased dramatically during the night - from once a nice to three or four. Co-sleeping saved me. If I had to get up and get him each time, I would have lost my mind. Instead, I rolled over, pulled up my shirt, he latched on and we both slept. Amazing.

2.5. We don't do CIO.
Honestly, I sometimes wish I could/did. There have been many moments, especially when my post-partum depression was so bad that I felt completely consumed by it, where I so desparately wanted to put him down and walk away. But ultimately, Mr. Chili and I just couldn't do it. So we cuddle, console, nurse of demand, etc. And you know what? LC sleeps pretty damned well. Usually 10 hours straight. And a 2 hour nap. Which is a-okay in my books for a 2.5 year old.

3. I believe in Barbara Coloroso's book "Kids are Worth It!".
I believe in natural consequences. I try really hard to be a backbone parent. I know that Mr. Chili and I both tend towards jellyfish, so we have to work at it. But her parenting philosophy is right on.

4. I cloth diapered for the first year, then switched to disposable.
Daycare wouldn't take disposable.

5. *the most controversial of all?* I work away from home. My son is in daycare.
I was off for 11 months. Then I worked part-time (4 days/week) for 16 months. Now I work full-time. Would really prefer to work part-time, but hey, this is what I've got for now.
Yes, I feel guilty for paying someone to raise my kid. But for many reasons, this is the right choice for us.

I'll add to this as I come up with anything else I do that is (quasi/semi) controversial. Flame away!

How did I get here?

We had a hectic weekend that was a lot of fun. So much going on in the Chili household. And I have at least four draft posts that I haven't published yet. Hard to find time to finish them.

Friday I worked from home. Did actual work, and also did three loads of laundry, ran the Roomba and treated myself to a Wendys salad for lunch. It was a yucky day - poured all day. Mr. Chili graciously did both drop-off and pick-up. Unfortunately I didn't quite finish up my work before they made it home, so I worked a bit more through the evening.

Saturday was a busy day filled with running, dog walking in the park - where LC walked more than he's ever walked before (!), grocery shopping, trying to get LC to nap in the car (only semi-successful), house cleaning, more laundry, etc. All of this domestic stuff is somehow more fun than it used to be. Don't get me wrong, I don't like cleaning, but it's satisfying, and it's fun (most of the time) to do these things with LC. After LC went to bed, I worked on my CV. Emailed it to my sister Sunday morning (she works in HR/recruiting) to get her feedback.

Sunday was a quick run, showering, more cleaning, and meal prep. We had a great visit with Mr. Chili's sister, brother and mother. I love them all. I didn't get as much time to visit as I would have liked to visit because I was in the kitchen. But hey, it's all good.

It feels so strange to be the adult sometimes. How did I get to be the mom? I'm the one in the kitchen making the meal. I'm the hostess. It's so surreal! Reminds me of that Talking Heads song, "Once in a Lifetime":

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful
And you may ask did I get here?

Random moments of cuteness

This morning I was checking my email at the dining room table before I left for work. And I remembered that I had some short video clips LC's uncle took of LC at the fabulous kids' haircutting place. So I asked him if he wanted to see. He hopped down from his chair and started to walk around the table. I pointed to the cord for my laptop's power supply and said to him, "Watch the cord!"

So he stopped and watched it.


My little literalist. I said to watch it, so he did.

Moment-by-moment replay:
*tick* I realized that he was following my instructions.
*tick* I tried not to laugh.
*tick* I took him by the hand and explained that I meant "Don't trip over the cord." He walked around and we watched the video clips.

Damn, he's cute!

10-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 15

Almost felt hungover this morning. Still tired from all the running around this weekend (literally & figuratively).

Weight = 150.4 (-1.4 lbs)
Ugh - bad trend in the weight area. Mostly it's because I ate too much, ate when I wasn't hungry. AF might not be helping either, but I really don't think that's a valid excuse.

B TH steeped tea w/2m, 1s
B detour bar
S yogurt
S 1 double chocolate cookie (so tasty but so bad!) (60 cal, 3g ea)
L leftover roast beast, mashed pot, carrots, gravy
L 2 double chocolate cookies (so tasty but so bad!) (60 cal, 3g ea)
S ?
D 4 ribs w/garlic glaze. Pretty fatty. (MIL made)
D sm svg potato salad
D sm svg coleslaw
S last creme caramel (man, that was tasty!)

Monday, April 10, 2006

9-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 14

I freaking ran for a third time this week! Yeah me. Hectic day again - ran w/Cosmo, showered, cleaned, made creme caramel, cleaned some more, held LC for a bit post-nap because he was still sleepy/cranky, played with LC, made a big dinner for Mr. Chili's family, laughed a lot. Pondered this new job almost-offer.

Not a good day nutritionally. Ate more than I needed, richer food than usual. Was yummy, but weight is up a bit. I need to re-focus.

Weight = 149.6 (-2.2 lbs)

Exercise: 5km with Cosmo

B detour bar
S yogurt
S TH tea w/2m, 1s
L 1 sl leftover pizza
L cheesestring
S ?
S 3 sausage rolls, 2 asian-style hors d'oeuvres
S 1/2 svg cheezits
D 2 gl red wine
D 1 sl roast beef w/gravy (bad!)
D garlic sour cream mashed potatoes
D maple glazed baby carrots
D dinner roll
D individual yorkshire pudding
D 1 svg creme caramel

Sunday, April 09, 2006

8-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 13

Saturday was a busy day. I doubt I'll be able to remember what I ate. Damn. Let's see - what did we do? I ran w/Cosmo, went for a walk in the park, LC didn't want to nap in the car, went grocery shopping, etc.

The best part of my run? When I got home we had five minutes to get down to the park to meet our dear dog-walking friends (who also have an adorable, beautiful 3.5 year old daughter - and another on the way). Obviously didn't have time to shower, so I settled for changing my shirt. I whipped off my sweaty coolmax shirt and paused for a moment, looking at the mirror. Hot damn - I actually looked pretty good - fit, taut. Now in reality, I know I didn't look any different after my run than before but I felt better. And that counts for a lot.

Weight = 149.2 (-2.6 lbs)

Exercise: 5km with Cosmo

B detour bar
S jeunesse yogurt
S TH stepped tea, 2m, 1s
S 2 timbits
L Wendys grilled chicken sandwich
L Wendys french fries - few
S ?
D stir-fry on brown rice vermicelli w/scallops, red pepper, broccoli, green beans in a sauce of mirin, soy sauce, sesame oil, hoisin sauce & pepper w/garlic & ginger. Made it up and it turned out pretty well.
D 1/3 gl red wine

Friday, April 07, 2006

7-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 12

Weight = 148.8 (-3lbs)

Wow. I know my weight is probably going to fluctuate, but really feel like I'm finally on the right track. As LC would say, "Yes, yes, yes!", while pumping his fist in the air. (Gee, think he learned that from his daddy?)

B detour bar
L Wendys spinach bacon chicken salad w/low-fat honey mustard dressing (yum)
L TH steeped tea w/2m,1s
L diet pepsi
L 3 chocolate sandwich cookies
S quaker cheddar rice cakes (100cal)
S 1/2 svg cheezits
D 2 sl Delizioso hawaiian pizza
D 1/2 gl red wine

Lesson learned: don't drink two caffinated beverages in quick sucession. I don't usually, and was hit by a horrible shakey/quivery/heart racing feeling. Ugh.

6-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 11

Weight 149.0 (-2.8 lbs)
Yeah, it's probably just water, but could it possibly be that I'm starting to see results????

B detour bar
B TH steeped tea, 2m,1s
S astro yogurt
S thinaddictive cookies
L leftover edamame lo mein (still really tasty)
L 2 apple newtons
S 1 svg cheeze-its (these are yummy, but soooo salty)
D 1 svg PC chicken pot pie
? anything else?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

5-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 10

I feel like I'm staying on track. I could lose weight faster if I had a bit more self-discipline, but hey, I think I'm doing all right. I feel like I'm starting to find my running grove again. It was a good, tough run. I'm still sooooo slow compared to where I was a year ago, never mind when I was in marathon shape. But that's okay, I'm coming back.

Weight = 150.4 (-1.4)

Exercise: 5km run with dog.

B detour bar
B TH steeped tea, 2m, 1s
S jeuness yogurt
S quaker cheddar rice cakes (100 cals)
L cheddar cheese on stoned wheat thins
L 2 apple newtons
S thinaddictive cookies
D edamame lo mein (from Eating Well - really freaking delicious)
D too many chocolate teddy grahams
S Starbucks grande soy chai (too good!)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

4-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 9

Didn't weigh myself today. LC was pretty unhappy when he woke up. So I looked after him until I Mr. Chili was ready, then he took a turn. Grandma, who is still staying with us - thank goodness!, was more than willing to take him but she's third choice when mommy and daddy are around.

I'm going to stay more focused today. Not give into the urge to just eat. I packed fewer snacks. I have to remind myself that being hungry is a good thing. I don't always have to satisfy it right away. And if I do, not with a ton of food.

B glass of PC tropical juice
B detour bar
B TH stepped tea, 2m, 1s
L leftover tortellini w/pasta sauce, parm cheese
L 2 apple newtons
D PC chicken noodle soup
D toasted cheese sandwich & ketchup*
S thinaddictive cookies
and ??? Dammit - if I don't write this down the day it happens, I haven't got a hope of remembering what I ate.

* Instead of my usual grilled cheese with too much butter/margarine, I toasted two slices of bread, then melted a slice of cheddar on one piece of bread, under the broiler. Then while the cheese was all melty, I put the second piece on top. It was a bit dry, truthfully, but nothing that some ketchup couldn't fix. It was also a damned sight healthier. I will do this again, methinks. I might add a second slide of cheese - I think that would be perfect.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

LC is still sick

Poor LC. He's on the mend. At least that's what I keep telling myself. After yesterday's dose of Motrin, his fever stayed down. He slept from 6pm until 7am this morning. That is a huge sleep for my guy. In fact, I'm pretty sure he has never slept that long in his life. I know sleep is healing and all that, but what was disturbing is that his diaper was completely dry this morning.

He woke up moaning and crying, trying to say something. I finally translated what he was saying, "Toast". I rubbed his back, picked him up we went downstairs. He wasn't talking much (another worrisome sign), but he did pick out a cinammon raisin bagel. He actually ate half a bagel (cut into quarter, natch), a few strawberries and drank some apple juice. The most he's eaten in a few days. As he started eating, he was shaking less and talking more. It was so sweet to hear that little voice. He was pretty perky for a bit, but by the time I left for work, he was fading again. Fever is low grade. He was just sitting in Grandma's lap, looking out the window and listening to Grandma reading stories. I have a feeling that he is already asleep.

Man, it's hard when your kid is sick!

LC still sick

Grandma came down to look after LC today. I felt okay going to work and leaving him at home because he was doing so much better in the morning. He woke up a bit grumpy, but soon perked up and was chatting with me as I changed his diaper, etc. He wasn't interested in eating, but did drink some apple juice. No fever, either. Really felt he was on the mend.

Mr. Chili checked in twice. Apparently after a couple of hours as almost-himself, LC said to Grandma, "I want my mommmy." Followed shortly by, "I want to go to bed." After she picked her jaw up off the floor, Grandma took LC to bed. She said he just crashed, went from la-la-la-la to glazed eyes. He slept off & on the rest of the day. By the time I got home, his fever was up to 103.7 - bad! We gave him Motrin (had to fight to get it in him). He perked up a bit around dinner time - drank some more juice, ate some veggies, then crashed again. Slept on me for an hour, then I just put him to bed. He's still asleep. Fever is very low grad now. He slept more than he was awake today. You have to understand how bizarre that is - my guy is definitely sick. He never just sits in your arms like that.

I know that he's on the mend: vomiting has stopped, slowly consuming liquids and solids, etc. But this fever keeps coming back. It's hard not to worry. But I know if we take him to the doctor, they'll just tell us to do what we're doing. But he's so not himself. From what the montessori school teacher said, this bug has been hitting kids hard - most are out five days. And Mr. Chili and I both have busy weeks. We're doing the best we can. And LC comes first.

Get better soon, baby.

3-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 8

Weight: 151.2 (-0.6lbs)
Ugh. Feeling bloated - coincides with being 5dpo. This is the point where I usually give up - but I'm not doing it this time. I will run three times this week (only twice last week). I will continue to focus on eating well, making good choices.

Not the best day nutritionally speaking. Esp late in the evening, I was hungry and wanted to eat,eat, eat. Ugh.

B detour bar
B TH stepped tea w/2m,1s
S jeunesse yogurt
S thinaddictive cookies
S 2 apple newtons
L leftover french onion soup w/2 sl baguette, shredded gruyere
L quaker choc chip gran bar
D beef tortellini w/pasta sauce, parm cheese
D salad w/honey pear dressing
S dried mango, 1 svg
S Quaker rice crackers, cheddar (100 cal package)
S thinaddictive cookies

Monday, April 03, 2006

2-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 7

Poor LC was still quite sick today. I did a lot of cleaning around the house so I could feel like I was doing something.

Forgot to weigh myself again. Ooops. Not surprising given the night o' vomiting and how sleep deprived I (we) all were.

B toasted bagel w/light strawberry jam
B decaf orange pekoe tea w/m&s
L Wendys grilled chicken sandwich
L few Wendys french fries
L 1 timbit
L TH stepped tea w/2m,1s
S thinaddictive cookies
S rice chips (100 cal)
D homemade french onion soup w/3 sl. whole wheat baguette and shredded gruyere
D 0.5 gl wine

1-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 6

A good Saturday, well, until the vomiting began. (See related post.)

Had a good, tough run. Took the dog, who was very happy. Made the menu plan, grocery list, then we all went out shopping. LC was tired, but didn't want to nap, so we resorted to the car nap. While he & Mr. Chili napped in the car, I shopped at Costco and pet store. Then LC woke up so we headed for Chapters/Starbucks. Mr. Chili bought Mommy her favourite chai, while I took LC back to the kids section to play with the trains and read a couple of books. A nice day.

We had a bit of lunch at home, and watched the Roomba run. I set it to max mode - it ran for almost 2 hours cleaning the entire first floor. That thing rocks!!!! Best present ever. I am impressed/scared by how much dirt and pet hair it picked up. I mean, we just cleaned and it gets a bunch more stuff. I guess it's not surprising that we make a lot of dirt with a cat, dog and toddler, but man! How dirty was my house before this????

LC wasn't hungry at dinner time. In hindsight, he was unusually quiet. We were sitting on the area rug by the couch in the living room, when he suddenly leaned over, opened his mouth and spewed unholy amounts of vomit all over the floor, all over me, all over himself. And so it began...

Didn't weigh myself today.
Exercise: 5km run, pretty good.

B Detour bar
S cheesestring
S quaker choc chip chewy granola bar
L leftover chinese food (not low fat!)
S SB tall soy chai
S 1/2 svg hint of lime chips (~6g fat)
D takeout sushi
D 2 gl. wine

...and there was much vomiting...

Poor LC. He's never vomited in his life. Until this weekend. He made up for it in spades - vomited 15 times in 20 hours. It was a very, very long 20 hours in the Chili household. It started at 1700 Saturday night, last vomiting was Sunday 1300. He kept crying every time. It's been 9 hours now, so I think we're in the recovery phase. I hope. The only thing he's consumed (and kept down) in 24 hours plus is some flat ginger ale. He was so incredibly lethargic that I was *this close* to taking him to the hospital.

Signs that LC is not himself:
- sat calmly and willingly in our laps
- watched more than 20 minutes of TV
- napped on Mr. Chili and me
- napped 2x for 2 hours each
- didn't want to eat
- only peeed (sp?) once

He's had a fever since this afternoon, but it seems to be staying low-grade. I haven't medicated it because I believe that fevers are good for the body and it didn't seem to be making him any (more) uncomfortable. What I'm trying not to think about is the fact that the playmate he caught this from has had terrible diarrhea and a high fever for two days. OMG - what if that is next??? Let's hope not.

Usually Mr. Chili and I have flexible enough work schedules that we can trade off to handle sick days. Of course tomorrow, we both have meetings & presentations that we have to be in. So Grandma to the rescue! MIL has come down from her small town to watch LC tomorrow. Thank goodness for Grandmas!

Exercise journal to follow later...had an okay weekend, but not as good as it should have been. I was a little focused on LC, not my eating. I know, excuses, excuses.


Saturday, April 01, 2006

31-Mar Fitness Journal

Day 5

Yeah, it's Friday. Working from home in my pyjamas. Very nice. Strange sleep last night, was quite restless, vivid dreams, had to get up to pee at 0400, which I never do. Hm.

Went to breastfeeding support group last night. It's strange being there now that LC is weaned. It feels good though, to be able to tell my "I did it despite everything" story. There was a woman there last night who is pregnant with twins, and understandably very overwhelmed at the thought of breastfeeding them. She really wants to, but she can't fathom the logistics. We tried to help. I don't know if she felt better or just more overwhelmed. My friend K, who runs the group and is a phenomenal lacation specialist, always gives the straight goods. As in you should know the risks and hazards of bottles, formula, etc. If you choose to go that route, then you should at least be aware of what you're doing. I admire her frankness, because I think there is too little honesty about this. I'm not saying that a mother who doesn't breastfeed is bad - not at all - I'm saying it's sad and she probably failed because she didn't have enough education and support. Breastfeeding is hard work at the beginning - both you and baby are learning how to do this, and your body is going through some crazy hormonal stuff. *stepping off soapbox* Anyways, the group was good. The twin mom was asking, almost desparately, who could she call when she had one baby crying and another who wouldn't latch. So I gave her my name and number. I told her to call me, anytime. I told her that it's moms supporting other moms that will make the difference. It felt good. I hope she calls me if she needs some support.

Not the best day, nutritinally, but a good day all the same. Good friends came over for dinner with their almost 3 year old and almost 1 year old. LC and K played very well together - it's awesome to watch how their play has changed over the years. The kids ate well and the adults enjoyed their meal too. LC was exhausted by the time they left, but it was still hard to get him to bed. We were all tired, though, because we all fell asleep at 2130! Awesome sleep.

Weight = 150.6 (-1.2lbs)
And the fluctuations continue. But I'm liking the constant feedback.

B decaf tea, m&s
B optimum zen cereal w/jeunesse yogurt
S starbucks soy tazo chai, grande (yum!)
L beef barley soup (homemade, looneyspoons recipe)
L w/3 stoned wheat thin crackers
L w/4 thin sl. organic cheddar
L 1 package thinaddictives almond cookies
D takeout chinese from Mandarin (2 chicken balls, chicken fried rice, 2 garlic spare ribs, chicken lo mein, beef & veggies)
D chocolate cake from Breadhouse bakery

Friday, March 31, 2006

30-Mar Fitness Journal

Day 4

Late night last night - was up til 0230. Which was stupid because I could have gone to bed earlier - I was playing with my blog, making plans in my head, etc. So I'm a bit tired today.

Proof that I shouldn't weigh myself daily - my weight was up today. Net is still a loss, but not much. Is it up due to all that candy yesterday or just because?

Weight = 151.2 (-0.6)

B detour bar
B L TH tea 2m, 1s
B jeunesse yogurt
S 2 PC fig newtons
L sm svg beef tortellini, pasta sauce, parm cheese
L apple
L few m&ms, plain (no really, a few)
S quaker chewy granola bar, choc chip
D 1 soft taco (tortilla, lean ground beef, salsa, cheddar cheese, light sour cream)
D 2 stoned wheat thin crackers
D 1/3 raw red pepper
S 2 timbits
S L TH tea 2m, 1s

Too many hours of meetings today. Ugh. At least I took my laptop and was able to do some work while I sat there, listening with half an ear.

It's like a virtual Friday for me because I'm working from home tomorrow. No, really, I do work when I work from home. I find I can get a lot done because I don't have people constantly asking me questions. (Bad, anti-social me.)

Bought Timbits for a breastfeeding support group that I help out with. Bought 20, only ate 2. For me, that's pretty good self-discipline.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

LC's last nursing

As referenced in a previous post, LC weaned at the end of Feb-06. I want to write down that last nursing session because I know I'll forget.

We woke up on the morning on Sunday, February 26, 2006. It was a sunny morning and we were all lying in bed, still sleepy. LC asked to nurse, in that charming voice, "Want to nurse, please." I pulled up my shirt and he latched on. He didn't nurse for all that long, it was really about comfort at this point, and routine. We lay there on our sides, and I started down at him and kissed the top of his head. I felt happy and proud and sad and excited that this was likely his last time breastfeeding. My tiny baby was now a 2.5 year old toddler and we had been through it all with breastfeeding. After he was done nursing, he popped off and announced that he was was hungry and wanted toast. And that was it! He was done.

2.5 years of breastfeeding

I am very, very proud that I breastfed my son for 2.5 years. The WHO standard (not the best link, sorry) is to breastfeed exclusively for six months, and then introduce complementary foods and continue breastfeeding until two years and beyond. I didn't know about this standard when I had my son, but we had all sorts of problems getting started breastfeeding and I had to learn a lot in a hurry. (A separate post on our troubles later.)

From the age of two, LC was nursing less and less often. Most days, it was 1-2 times a day - once at bedtime and once when he woke up. For the most part, it was a lovely way to spend time with him, was easy and made him so happy. I was in no rush to give it up. And he knew how to go to sleep without nursing - he's been falling asleep at montessori school naptimes for over a year. And the occasional evening when I was out past bedtime, Mr. Chili was able to help him go to sleep. Of course, some days LC nursed more - if he was teething or sick or just out of sort, it might go up to 3-4 times a day. By Jan-06, it was usually only once a day - at bedtime.

Early in the year, I found out that I had to go on a business trip at the end of Feb. I was sad and excited. I had managed to avoid all travel for the first 2.5 years of LC's life and I was happy about that. But I had to be away from him sometime. I would rather have had the timing be of my choosing, but *shrug* it was out of my hands. Up to that point, I had been letting LC set the pace of our child-lead weaning. Once I left on my trip, I anxiously checked in with Mr. Chili. They were having a great time. He fussed a bit at bedtime but quickly adjusted to my absence.

I had the choice of pumping to maintain my supply while I was gone. I packed my breastpump. But I was ready for LC to be done and I believed he was ready too. I was wondering if I would get engorged or any of the other problems other women encounter when weaning. Instead I had the most amazing experience. I had no fullness, no engorgement. I felt a bit of tingling the first and second day, that was it. I couldn't hand express milk by the third day (not that I tried very hard). I also felt great mentally - I felt strong, I felt good, I felt a sense of liberation. A bit of sadness that this chapter was done, especially since LC is likely to be our only child. But I felt an overwhelming sense of rightness. So no hormonal crash for me. All of this - LC 's reaction and my response - tell me that this was the right time for us to stop breastfeeding.

When I got home from my business trip, LC was asleep. I had been gone for six days. I cuddled up with him in bed. He woke long enough to give me a sleepy smile, roll over and ask to nurse. I removed my bra (no more nursing bras!) and lifted up my shirt for him. He latched and sucked for few moments. I asked if he was getting any milk. He came off, looked at me and said, "no". I told him that the milk was gone, but that I would cuddle with him and rub his back instead. I also said that he was a big boy now and how proud I was of him. He repeated back to me, "Milk all gone?" "Yes honey" And that was that. He asked at bedtime the next couple of nights, but more to confirm that the milk was gone. He hasn't asked to nurse in a long time now. I'm so proud of us.
