Friday, April 07, 2006

7-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 12

Weight = 148.8 (-3lbs)

Wow. I know my weight is probably going to fluctuate, but really feel like I'm finally on the right track. As LC would say, "Yes, yes, yes!", while pumping his fist in the air. (Gee, think he learned that from his daddy?)

B detour bar
L Wendys spinach bacon chicken salad w/low-fat honey mustard dressing (yum)
L TH steeped tea w/2m,1s
L diet pepsi
L 3 chocolate sandwich cookies
S quaker cheddar rice cakes (100cal)
S 1/2 svg cheezits
D 2 sl Delizioso hawaiian pizza
D 1/2 gl red wine

Lesson learned: don't drink two caffinated beverages in quick sucession. I don't usually, and was hit by a horrible shakey/quivery/heart racing feeling. Ugh.

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