Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Parenting choices or "Chili invites flaming & controversy to her blog"

I figure since I'm blogging in a vacuum, why not air out my parenting style and leave myself open to attack. This topic comes courtesy of Dooce, who recently posted on her CIO approach and received some astronomical number of comments - like 475! Most were pretty civilized and there were the requiste number of whackjobs who say inflamatory things, followed by the people who get offended, followed by - oh, you get the idea.

If you had told me I was going to parent this way before I had LC I woulda thought you were smoking crack. Seriously. I thought this stuff was freaky-deeky, granola, hippy shit.

So let me lay out how we parent.
1. extended breastfeeding
2.5 years. (See previous post.)
Yes, breastfeeding is more than nourishment. It is a way of parenting. It's bloody hard work sometimes. And it forces you to be more attached to your child. At least if you breastfeed the way that I do. And the way I believe is best for the child's health & development.

2. co-sleeping
Gasp! Yes, we co-sleep. So many reasons why:
a) At the beginning, when LC wouldn't latch, and I was desparately using the pump to build up my supply, we co-slept because the goddess of a lactation specialist that we found said it would help. (Will cite the studies later.) And we love it.
b) Mr. Chili is the biggest proponent of co-sleeping because even after he was away from LC all day, he could kiss him and watch him sleep.
c) We never had to worry about SIDS - he was right there. And when he was sick, he was right there.
d) When I went back to work, LC was 11 months old and still a pretty frequent nurser. While at daycare, he had finger food and a sippy of water. We nursed on demand when I was around. And his demand increased dramatically during the night - from once a nice to three or four. Co-sleeping saved me. If I had to get up and get him each time, I would have lost my mind. Instead, I rolled over, pulled up my shirt, he latched on and we both slept. Amazing.

2.5. We don't do CIO.
Honestly, I sometimes wish I could/did. There have been many moments, especially when my post-partum depression was so bad that I felt completely consumed by it, where I so desparately wanted to put him down and walk away. But ultimately, Mr. Chili and I just couldn't do it. So we cuddle, console, nurse of demand, etc. And you know what? LC sleeps pretty damned well. Usually 10 hours straight. And a 2 hour nap. Which is a-okay in my books for a 2.5 year old.

3. I believe in Barbara Coloroso's book "Kids are Worth It!".
I believe in natural consequences. I try really hard to be a backbone parent. I know that Mr. Chili and I both tend towards jellyfish, so we have to work at it. But her parenting philosophy is right on.

4. I cloth diapered for the first year, then switched to disposable.
Daycare wouldn't take disposable.

5. *the most controversial of all?* I work away from home. My son is in daycare.
I was off for 11 months. Then I worked part-time (4 days/week) for 16 months. Now I work full-time. Would really prefer to work part-time, but hey, this is what I've got for now.
Yes, I feel guilty for paying someone to raise my kid. But for many reasons, this is the right choice for us.

I'll add to this as I come up with anything else I do that is (quasi/semi) controversial. Flame away!

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