Saturday, April 01, 2006

31-Mar Fitness Journal

Day 5

Yeah, it's Friday. Working from home in my pyjamas. Very nice. Strange sleep last night, was quite restless, vivid dreams, had to get up to pee at 0400, which I never do. Hm.

Went to breastfeeding support group last night. It's strange being there now that LC is weaned. It feels good though, to be able to tell my "I did it despite everything" story. There was a woman there last night who is pregnant with twins, and understandably very overwhelmed at the thought of breastfeeding them. She really wants to, but she can't fathom the logistics. We tried to help. I don't know if she felt better or just more overwhelmed. My friend K, who runs the group and is a phenomenal lacation specialist, always gives the straight goods. As in you should know the risks and hazards of bottles, formula, etc. If you choose to go that route, then you should at least be aware of what you're doing. I admire her frankness, because I think there is too little honesty about this. I'm not saying that a mother who doesn't breastfeed is bad - not at all - I'm saying it's sad and she probably failed because she didn't have enough education and support. Breastfeeding is hard work at the beginning - both you and baby are learning how to do this, and your body is going through some crazy hormonal stuff. *stepping off soapbox* Anyways, the group was good. The twin mom was asking, almost desparately, who could she call when she had one baby crying and another who wouldn't latch. So I gave her my name and number. I told her to call me, anytime. I told her that it's moms supporting other moms that will make the difference. It felt good. I hope she calls me if she needs some support.

Not the best day, nutritinally, but a good day all the same. Good friends came over for dinner with their almost 3 year old and almost 1 year old. LC and K played very well together - it's awesome to watch how their play has changed over the years. The kids ate well and the adults enjoyed their meal too. LC was exhausted by the time they left, but it was still hard to get him to bed. We were all tired, though, because we all fell asleep at 2130! Awesome sleep.

Weight = 150.6 (-1.2lbs)
And the fluctuations continue. But I'm liking the constant feedback.

B decaf tea, m&s
B optimum zen cereal w/jeunesse yogurt
S starbucks soy tazo chai, grande (yum!)
L beef barley soup (homemade, looneyspoons recipe)
L w/3 stoned wheat thin crackers
L w/4 thin sl. organic cheddar
L 1 package thinaddictives almond cookies
D takeout chinese from Mandarin (2 chicken balls, chicken fried rice, 2 garlic spare ribs, chicken lo mein, beef & veggies)
D chocolate cake from Breadhouse bakery

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