Monday, April 03, 2006

1-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 6

A good Saturday, well, until the vomiting began. (See related post.)

Had a good, tough run. Took the dog, who was very happy. Made the menu plan, grocery list, then we all went out shopping. LC was tired, but didn't want to nap, so we resorted to the car nap. While he & Mr. Chili napped in the car, I shopped at Costco and pet store. Then LC woke up so we headed for Chapters/Starbucks. Mr. Chili bought Mommy her favourite chai, while I took LC back to the kids section to play with the trains and read a couple of books. A nice day.

We had a bit of lunch at home, and watched the Roomba run. I set it to max mode - it ran for almost 2 hours cleaning the entire first floor. That thing rocks!!!! Best present ever. I am impressed/scared by how much dirt and pet hair it picked up. I mean, we just cleaned and it gets a bunch more stuff. I guess it's not surprising that we make a lot of dirt with a cat, dog and toddler, but man! How dirty was my house before this????

LC wasn't hungry at dinner time. In hindsight, he was unusually quiet. We were sitting on the area rug by the couch in the living room, when he suddenly leaned over, opened his mouth and spewed unholy amounts of vomit all over the floor, all over me, all over himself. And so it began...

Didn't weigh myself today.
Exercise: 5km run, pretty good.

B Detour bar
S cheesestring
S quaker choc chip chewy granola bar
L leftover chinese food (not low fat!)
S SB tall soy chai
S 1/2 svg hint of lime chips (~6g fat)
D takeout sushi
D 2 gl. wine

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