Wednesday, April 05, 2006

4-Apr Fitness Journal

Day 9

Didn't weigh myself today. LC was pretty unhappy when he woke up. So I looked after him until I Mr. Chili was ready, then he took a turn. Grandma, who is still staying with us - thank goodness!, was more than willing to take him but she's third choice when mommy and daddy are around.

I'm going to stay more focused today. Not give into the urge to just eat. I packed fewer snacks. I have to remind myself that being hungry is a good thing. I don't always have to satisfy it right away. And if I do, not with a ton of food.

B glass of PC tropical juice
B detour bar
B TH stepped tea, 2m, 1s
L leftover tortellini w/pasta sauce, parm cheese
L 2 apple newtons
D PC chicken noodle soup
D toasted cheese sandwich & ketchup*
S thinaddictive cookies
and ??? Dammit - if I don't write this down the day it happens, I haven't got a hope of remembering what I ate.

* Instead of my usual grilled cheese with too much butter/margarine, I toasted two slices of bread, then melted a slice of cheddar on one piece of bread, under the broiler. Then while the cheese was all melty, I put the second piece on top. It was a bit dry, truthfully, but nothing that some ketchup couldn't fix. It was also a damned sight healthier. I will do this again, methinks. I might add a second slide of cheese - I think that would be perfect.

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