Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Brief update, written on my new toy

Not the most exciting post title. Creativity escapes me at 6:30 in the morning. I am attempting to not only write this entry on my new Ipod touch (a very surprising pressie from Mr. Chili, who was tired of hearing me grouse about the limitations of my Palm LifeDrive. A device that was great but also spontaneously rebooted at least once a day.) but also to do out via mobile blogging.

Le's see...what's new.
- Pepperette is under the weather with a cold. Beyond that she is doing very well. She is crawling up a storm, going faster and faster every day, and growls (really) with delight as she does so. She is also pulling herself to her knees, but not yet to a full stand. My baby is growing too fast, something that seems to be a phenomenon reserved for second babies. She is 10.5 months. Which means only six weeks left of my maternity leave.

- Which means I have to start looking for a job. Not just any job, but one that allows for flexible hours and is, ideally, part-time. Not an easy thing to find in my industry. I have to remind myself that I don't have to rush into a job. I have time. And that it's worth the financial sacrifice and career derailment to have more time with my family. The old cliche is true: they're only young once.

- The thrush is still pretty much gone, provided that I adhere strictly to the diet. Which I do. Because I am tired of pain.

- LC is doing well. Constantly surprising us with his comments and questions. Exhausting us with his tantrums.

- Mr. Chili is doing well too. He is very happy that I have started to find my libido. He was around a lot over Christmas and New Years, and if was lovely.

More to say, but very scared I'm going to lose this. Later!

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