Mr. Chili is away on a week-long business trip. No biggie for most. But daunting for me: it's the first time he's been away (overnight) since Pepperette was born. I have not managed both kids all on my own for a full week. And LC is very, very attached to daddy these days. Are you sensing fun times ahead? Yeah.
We spent most of last week preparing LC for daddy's big trip. Just talking about it, where he was going, that he would call every night, etc. And Monday, when Mr. Chili left, LC was sad for a moment, but moved on pretty quickly. We had an exceptional day on Monday. LC listened, Pepperette was getting over her miserable cold and I was really proud of all of us at the end of the day. I'd score Monday a 9/10.
Not as good. I asked my parents to help since Tuesday is skating lesson night. My stepfather came, which was really great of him. LC was a little rangy, since the kids didn't go outside due to bad weather that day. No exercise = hyper LC. I managed to get everyone fed, get to skating and not kill anyone. I was so frustrated with LC at a few points. He just wouldn't listen, was running around. And the more he acts up, the more frustrated I get. So instead of maybe stopping for a moment, I keep pushing to try and get us out the door. We ended up being 15 minutes late for a 30 minute lesson. Piss me off. He was calmer after the lesson, though. After we got home, it was pyjamas, snack, stories, bed. All in all, I'd give Tuesday a 6/10.
(Sensing a trend yet?) Despite getting lots of exercise at school, LC was running around and not listening at casa pickup. Finally get him home, make dinner while my mom watches the kids. Eat dinner. LC is a borderline melting down over small things. Keep the evening moving. Play for a bit after dinner, get both kids in the bath. A few dodgy moments around the bath, but we pull out of it and we're doing okay. Then LC wants a snack before bed. Okay. My mom takes him down. Then I come down with Pepperette and LC is pretty much demanding a full breakfast. Uh, no. I offer a compromise. The melting down begins. It deteriorated into a full tantrum. There ended up being no snack, and only one story at bedtime. There was some hitting, punching, kicking, although much less than in the past. The tantrum took 40+ minutes. By the time he fell asleep, it was almost 9:00pm. That is way past his bedtime, especially when he's already overtired.
I am predicting (and it's probably a self-fulfilling prophecy) that LC will sleep in, be pissy, and be a bear to get out the door to school. I'm going to score today a 3/10.
I am not looking forward to Thursday and Friday.
I am such a whiner. I know it. My son is in Montessori school 4 days a week. And I am not completely alone this week - I got help from my parents. I needed it. Part of the reason I didn't develop PPD this time around is that I am actually asking for help when I need it. Screw my pride, let's be practical. *sigh* Defensive much? Sorry. I'm really tired.
5 days ago
1 comment:
I'm sorry I didn't see this until now, but something that really helped cut down the tantrums here at Chez Mystere is giving snacks more frequently and, in fact, having snacks upstairs. F'rinstance, I keep small boxes of cereal (or single-serving ziplocks) up in my room for MM to just grab. I often give him one after bath before tooth brushing and he'll almost always eat one while playing early in the morning while we sleep for another half-hour.
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