Thursday, January 24, 2008

New day, same snot

LC stayed home from school yesterday. My Mom came over which made the
day easier. I'm grateful that my Mom is retired and willing to help
sometimes. LC was sick enough to be subdued, but not enough to be
totally miserable. I thought that Pepperette was going to get off
lightly - just a runny nose and a bit of crankiness. I was even a bit
smug, that the amazing powers of breastfeeding had saved her

Oh I hate being smacked down. You think I'd learn.

Pepperette had a terrible sleep. She wouldn't go down, when she did go
to sleep at 10:00pm, she was restless and moaning. Then she woke up at
5:30am. I nursed her for a while and she was wide awake. Ugh. Mr.
Chili to the rescue, he took her downstairs so I could get just a bit
more sleep. When I came down, Mr. Chili was holding a very fussy baby,
who has not only a cough, but a fever.

And I can't give her any relief. Both tylenol and motrin have corn
syrup and/or sucrose. Last time I gave her some Tylenol, after an
immunization, we had a bad thrush flareup. Yes, that's right, one
lousy ml of Tylenol and we're in agony for days. So unless her fever
gets really high, I'm not going to medicate.

Ironically, she has a dr appt for a weight check and immunization. I
guess we'll go, but have to do the shot later.

I'm going to call the pharmacy that does compunding and see if there
is a no sugar/no sweetener form of Tylenol or motrin.

Man, I need to get some sleep. Maybe then I might have something
interesting to say. Or would at least whine less.

Thrush report: better today. The only quash-new thing in Pepperette
and my diet is avacado, which she loves, and I've been eating too many
Tera chips. So no more of either of those. I find it hard to believe
that the avacado could cause a reaction, but this thrush thing is so
fucked up.

I've nursed Pepperette into a stupor, so I'm going to try and transfer
her so I can eat my breakfast.

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