Thursday, March 30, 2006

29-Mar Fitness Journal

Category: fitness

Bit sore today from my run yesterday. I cannot believe how out of shape I am. I mean a year ago, I was in good form, having just completed the Las Vegas half marathon, and was training for the Ottawa half marathon. Gosh, seems like a long time ago. What changed?

1. I've been forced back to full-time hours. So LC is at montessori school 5 days a week now. And momma guilt means that I just don't feel right going out two nights and weekend mornings to run.
2. I'm working so much (50-60 hour weeks) that I am not sleeping much, let alone having timet to run.
3. I'm actually enjoying being a mom now. (Yes, it did take me more than a year to get here.) I don't want to leave my guys! I want to hang out and have fun.

Weight: 149.2 (-2.6 lbs)

Onto the food journal:
B detour bar
B lg TH tea 2m, 1s
B jeunesse yogurt (og fat)
S 2 fig newtons
L 2 sl pizza (pepperoni from Pizza Pizza)
L 1 can diet coke
L candy! (few jellybeans, few licorice bits, few gummy bears) (prob 120 cal, 1g fat?)
S more candy (see above. Too many cals. Very bad.)
D PC pad thai (not low fat! 400cal, 20g fat)

Must stop eating candy! Damn my work and their free candy. Oh wait - no one forced me to take the candy. I took it. And now I'm the one eating it. And I will stop. Or not. *sigh*

It's 2244, I just got up after falling asleep with my son. I'm starving! But I am holding strong and just drinking my oh-so-tasty hot water. (Actually, I really like hot water - crave it even. Wonder what that means.

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