Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Things that make me laugh, pt 5

Anecdote 1
My BIL tells me that the Saskatchewan pork marketing board came up with a genius marketing slogan a few years ago. He's a credible guy, so I'm inclined to believe him.

Picture this, if you will - a big billboard featuring a loving couple arm in arm. The slogan reads, "Pork.
The one you love."

Seriously? Seriously.
Mr. Chili and I laughed so hard at this unintentionally hilarious billboard.

From a quick google search, it looks like occurred circa 2001. Found this pic via Flickr. (Thanks smiteme!) The Saskatchewan Pork Marketing board does exist. And many bloggers have blogged about it before me. Ah well. It's still funny!

Anecdote 2
In a week or so, Mr. Chili and I will be celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary. Cool! For fun, I looked up the recommended ideas that the clever marketing people say I should give. (Did that make sense? No? Sorry.)
Traditional: Wood
Modern: Silverware

*snort* Did someone say wood? Mr. Chili and I - clearly immature, with pubescent senses of humour were laughing pretty hard about this one too. Poor Mr. Chili not getting much action these days, so the laughter was mixed with a tear or two on his part, I'm sure. I've promised him that if he presents me with some wood on our anniversary, I will do my best to appreciate it.

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