Tuesday, April 04, 2006

LC still sick

Grandma came down to look after LC today. I felt okay going to work and leaving him at home because he was doing so much better in the morning. He woke up a bit grumpy, but soon perked up and was chatting with me as I changed his diaper, etc. He wasn't interested in eating, but did drink some apple juice. No fever, either. Really felt he was on the mend.

Mr. Chili checked in twice. Apparently after a couple of hours as almost-himself, LC said to Grandma, "I want my mommmy." Followed shortly by, "I want to go to bed." After she picked her jaw up off the floor, Grandma took LC to bed. She said he just crashed, went from la-la-la-la to glazed eyes. He slept off & on the rest of the day. By the time I got home, his fever was up to 103.7 - bad! We gave him Motrin (had to fight to get it in him). He perked up a bit around dinner time - drank some more juice, ate some veggies, then crashed again. Slept on me for an hour, then I just put him to bed. He's still asleep. Fever is very low grad now. He slept more than he was awake today. You have to understand how bizarre that is - my guy is definitely sick. He never just sits in your arms like that.

I know that he's on the mend: vomiting has stopped, slowly consuming liquids and solids, etc. But this fever keeps coming back. It's hard not to worry. But I know if we take him to the doctor, they'll just tell us to do what we're doing. But he's so not himself. From what the montessori school teacher said, this bug has been hitting kids hard - most are out five days. And Mr. Chili and I both have busy weeks. We're doing the best we can. And LC comes first.

Get better soon, baby.

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